Monday, April 7, 2008


drifting down, the snow swirled in my wake. looking up, i felt a rush of fast motion—i was in hyperspace! tiny pinpricks of cold pierced my face. all is silent. people had been forewarned of the “terrible” weather we were due to get—8-10 inches of snow. so the streets were relatively empty, save for the snow carefully layering itself from the ground up, patiently and indiscriminately coating the landscape. muting sound like a warm blanket pulled over your head on a cold night. my feet carved canyons as i walked, each footstep kicking up dust that distributed itself in front of me. i thought about other times i had walked alone—in rain, in snow, at night. it seemed to me that these things are like another person who is with you. the weather's boring anyway, when nothing is happening. when it snows, its an event! something to go see. something to experience. that was why this night had pulled me out of my warm house into the cold company of the snow.

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