Thursday, May 8, 2008


(ugh. so not happy with my writing lately)

servants of the Sun unable to escape its gravity. accepting its gift of light. planets like actors in a great drama dance endlessly around its irresistable pull.
gravity, invisible chains, strings.

like colorful carousel horses careening around the sun.

maps and charts of the solar system line the walls of the classroom like windows into another universe.

a well oiled machine precariously balanced on the edge of chaos. gears rattle loosely in place--an catastrophe waiting to happen.

a baby drags kness across the scratchy felt of the billiard table, reaching out desperately for the brightly blue ball glinting in the overhead light. drawn like a magnet he plants his fat little mit on the ball and lifts. his face reddens with the effort, a little moan of disappointment and frustration bursts from his mouth. he tries both hands and lifts with all his effort against a force he doesn't yet understand... there's only one wsy to understand anything really--put it in your mouth to see if its food. taste it, test it, suck it. his tongue slides slimily over the glassy surface of the ball as he sucks it tight to his lips, a massive child god eating a tiny planet. miniscule screams reach barely register in his ears.

1 comment:

Sanity Loss Era said...

Well,actually they do look like carousel horses! Never thought it that way!